To: Club Readers
October 4, 2021
Happy Monday Morning.
“Declare: “I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.”
Today Janet and I are on the move. We are headed to the East Coast. Over the next few weeks we will be with Jesse and Rosemary Pimentel at Life Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Then we will join Felipe and Yvonne Hernandez and Ray and Becky Harrison at In the Light Ministries in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for their Bible Conference and 30th year anniversary. Then up to Hudson, New York with Jaron & Brenda Halstead at Rock Solid Church.
We were cooped-up too much last year. It's time to connect and collaborate with our friends.
A Monday Morning Prayer
“I shout, blessed be the LORD, because you have heard my prayers! You Lord are my strength and my shield: My heart trusts in you, and I am helped by you. So I rejoice from my heart, and I praise you with singing. You LORD are my strength, you are my saving refuge the anointed One. Save me and all your people, bless your inheritance. Shepherd me and hold me close to you forever.” (Based on Psalms 28:6-9)
Monday Morning Numbers Complex
A Monday word to Church Leaders from Larry
A few years ago, I was driving through Ozark, Arkansas a small town my dad had a tent meeting in when I was about nine years old. I can remember my cousins and Mike and I hitching a ride from their farm to town.
Ozark has a city square like you would see in the, “Back to the Future” movies. When I was nine it was a busy place. That was the place to go. We hung around, played pool and just kicked it.
When I recently drove through the old town center there was not much action, just a few antique stores. The community that was there years ago is gone, even in this small country town.
We live in a world captured by the mega.
Mega-retailers, mega-malls, mega-entertainment centers, mega-stars and mega-churches. We continually follow the mega-success stories. We have been programmed to accept the fact that, mega is success. We are moving so fast in this mega world that we hardly think of where it is headed. We simply follow.
Here goes another jewel from my files of Dr. John Holland.
“Releasing the creative energy of the Holy Spirit”
Dr. John Holland
Each Monday I'm sharing some stories that Dr. Holland shared with me during our wonderful times together. We are now moving into some of his teachings on releasing the power of the Holy Spirit into your circumstances.
I took his hands in mine and prayed this prayer. “Lord Jesus, you taught us to pray, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth in Jose’s life as though it was in heaven. Create a new job for him and release it by the power of your Holy Spirit.”
Donna Neville
It is not so noticeable at first but eventually flavors our whole outlook on life. Bitter people become sharp-tongued, resentful, cynical, cold, and harsh without even realizing it. When you are bitter, the offender is present at every meal. They stand there in every conversation and sit next to you in church. Even in the intimacy of your bedroom, they are there. Always present in the corner of your mind.
Join Janet and I along with PC Global folks all over the world for our ONLINE Communion service. This will be the concluding online service of our LeaderCon 2021. Yes! We are having our PC Global ZOOM LeaderCon 2021, Thursday & Friday November 4-5. Then Saturday morning we will CELEBRATE and REMEMBER our Lord's Sacrificial Death on the Cross. Click here to register free.
There is MORE to COME . . .
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please sign up for the MondayMorning.Club.
We love to read your thoughts so please post your comments.
Larry & Janet Neville
Great word on Discipleship! Thx!
Good afternoon Pastor Larry, everyone. I'm truly enjoying Good Monday Morning! Look forward to it. I am so blessed with this 10/4 Monday. In every story you/Donna Neville and stories with Dr. Holland have spoken about the Holy Spirit. A few yrs back I learned the importance of having a relationship, and knowing the Holy Spirit in a personal level. It has changed my way of thought, actually by the grace of God it has changed my outlook in life! I am so thankful that we have the Holy Spirit as a guide, a personal counselor. It is so important to build that relationship. Through it all, God has been so faithful to me/family, and God sending the Holy Spirit…
Yes it’s so true the fast pace we are living in and forget the Holy Spirit is totally opposite. Slow and gentle. We’re so geared to doing and going and we forget to be still and get to know Him as He is. How can we hear Him if we have so much going on. I remember the old song “stop and hear the music 🎼 “ but we are to stop and hear His voice. I am making a Conscience effort to stop and hear voice again.