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  • Writer's pictureLarry Neville

The Nevilles Celebrate 1 Year in Germany

One year ago we took our son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren, Courtney, Sadie and Jedidiah to the Los Angeles International Airport to send them off to live in Germany.

The first year when moving into a new country is usually the most challenging. Paul and Shauna, Courtney and Jedidiah Neville have made it through that 1st year, (Their daughter Sadie returned home to finish her studies).

They have opened International Church Services in two towns an hour apart. 

Janet Neville and Carrie Friedrich did a Women’s Conference for them in Maulbronn, where they are having services. Over 75 women attended. 

Paul is working with a number of young refugee men like Papas in this picture. His story of how he got to Germany is unbelievable. Now, he is saved and God has a plan for his life.

Paul and Shauna, Courtney and Jedidiah  are all studying the German language full time so they can serve better. 

Courtney is an adult and has chosen to serve in Germany along side her parents. 

On. behalf of our family, I want to thank everyone who is praying for them and this new work in Germany.  Those who are helping to support them financially, thank You so much.

The Apostle Paul said in Romans 10:15,How shall they preach unless they are sent.”  The work of God  depends upon senders.  I invite you to be a SENDER today, so this work can continue to go forward. Simply Click here to join in this mission. 

Larry Neville larry@praisechapelcom


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