Thanksgiving in Germany . . .
As I write this today the American Thanksgiving Day, John McGovern and I are in Germany visiting cities where refugee camps are located. Europe is filled with terror after the attacks at Paris. Belgium has been on lock down where schools, public transporting and all public activities have been ordered to stop. I don’t think this has happened in a Western Nation since World War II. As we travel in Germany we can feel the tension that is rising as this nation is trying to deal with hundreds of thousands of refugees from various Middle East countries.
Why are we here?
Because, such a movement of millions of people as we are seeing in the world today,
the largest migration of refugees since World War II, is a door of opportunity to reach some with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure there may be some strategies of terrorist groups to take advantage of this to infiltrate the people with their own radicals so there needs to be careful checks by the governments. If the hostile organizations can see opportunity and take advantage of this massive people movement what about the church?
Do we just sit back do nothing? Be afraid?
Well, I see an opportunity for the church to show the love of God and wonderful message of Jesus Christ to hurting, hungry, homeless, hopeless and desperate people. These people are suffering. They have left their homelands. Their homes have been bombed or taken over by hostile forces. Their livelihood, business and jobs are gone. They have risked their lives and the lives of their loved ones to cross the sea in small dangerous boats. They have walked for hundreds miles carrying what few belongs they could to seek help and a new life of freedom. That is the majority of these refugees.
This may be an opportunity for the church of Jesus Christ to be true Light. To help them to find a new life that includes Jesus Christ as their Savior.
What are we doing?
First: We are visiting with pastors, churches and business people all over Germany who are already reaching out to the refugees or are interested in doing something to help.
Second: As we correlate the information and contacts, we will decide what Praise Chapel Fellowship of Churches can do to respond.
This is not the first time that I have felt the Holy Spirit call me to go to a country and to see what we could do. Jack Harris and I went to Kenya and Ghana Africa years ago with the same heart. Now for over 30 year we have had fruitful ministry in those nations but it started with us going there in response to a feeling that God was calling us. I went to Hong Kong with the same heart and calling years ago. Out of that trip God opened the way to be a part of what He is doing in that region of the world. Janet and I made a trip to Manila for the purpose of see what we could do. In each of these places and many more, we enjoy fruitful ministry today. So, we are not just meeting people and going to camps, we are walking in the “good works’ that God has prepared for us.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10, NKJV).
Today, Thanksgiving Day 2015
I am thankful to be in Germany. John McGovern and I miss our families and the wonderful traditional food they will enjoy today. We pray that our family will and each of you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day together with your friends and families. Hopefully we will find a restaurant here in Berlin, Germany to eat a traditional American Thanksgiving Dinner. If not, we can eat some knockwurst with sauerkraut.
There are times in the Kingdom of God when you must GO by faith and see what God might do. That is where we are at today this Thanksgiving Day in Germany.
Larry Neville